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How can you spot a fake Fendi Baguette?

After 25 years, the Baguette bag is one of the most emblematic bags from the luxury house of Fendi. Created in 1997, this bag worn under the arm is a nod to a very French food: the traditional baguette. Thanks to its unique shape and design, the Baguette bag has conquered the world. But its price can make heads spin. That's why, before you spend that kind of money, you need to be able to tell a fake Baguette bag from a real one. If you buy it outside an official shop, counterfeiters will offer you this bag at a high price when in fact it's a counterfeit that cost very little money. In this article, we offer you a real guide on how to recognise a replica bag from a genuine Fendi Baguette.

The clasp :

First of all, please pay special attention to the double F clasp on your Fendi baguette. The original gold clasp is thicker, the central lines are closer together and form exactly the double F motif that is symbolic of the luxury brand.

The fake clasp is not covered in gold, which is directly visible. Its colour is different and its shape is not sufficiently raised. Cheap metal is generally shinier than real metal.

Also check that the clasp is flawless. Meticulousness and precision are the watchwords of the luxury brand. It is therefore not normal to see scratches or other marks on this clasp.

The FF motif :

Take a close look at the double F pattern too, making the luxury brand recognisable just by looking at it.

The letters on a Baguette replica bag are well sized and defined on authentic leather, but they are not as 'bubbly' as they should be. The shape of the double F isn't done very well on counterfeits either. This is not very surprising given the importance replica factories place on detail.

This is because the letters in the FF motif are narrow and round on the original leather, whereas on a counterfeit these letters are larger and squarer.

The bag must have a smooth appearance in view of the leather used. In fact, Fendi uses smooth nappa leather with no texture.

On the left, a genuine FF pattern, on the right, a counterfeit FF pattern.

The channel :

Also check the chain on your Baguette Fendi bag. This chain is very important, as it allows the bag to be worn over the shoulder or across the chest. Take a closer look at the brand inscription on the chain.

The original Fendi font is slanted to the right, whereas the letters on a replica chain do not have the same rendering. In fact, on a counterfeit, the letters are wide, large and engraved directly into the metal.

On the left, a counterfeit bag, on the right, a real Baguette bag from Fendi.

Leather label :

Pay particular attention to the leather brand label on the inside of the luxury bag. This label says a lot about the authenticity of the Fendi fashion accessory.

Start by looking at the seams on this label. Whereas Fendi's seams are tight and thick, the seams on a counterfeit are mediocre, far too thin and irregular. The seams on a luxury bag are extremely important, as they are what allow the bag to stand the test of time.

The surface of the replica leather is also much smoother, whereas it is supposed to be grainy. What's more, the letters are not engraved in the right way. They are supposed to blend into the material, which is absolutely not the case on Baguette bags from replica factories.

On the left, an original Baguette Fendi bag label, on the right, a counterfeit label.

Secure your Baguette bag from Fendi with Obvy:

If you wish to buy your Baguette de Fendi bag on resale platforms between private individuals, we advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.

Obvy is a secure payment platform that helps you avoid the scams that are common in transactions between private individuals. When you make a transaction on Obvy, the funds are only credited to your seller when the buyer certifies that the goods purchased are in order. If this is not the case, you are automatically refunded and the item is returned to the seller.

By using Obvy to carry out transactions between private individuals, you can also benefit from payment in several instalments.