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How can you spot a fake Celine Luggage bag?

The Luggage bag by Céline is a luxury handbag created by French fashion brand Céline. This bag has become very popular since its creation. It is also one of the brand's most recognisable bags. The Luggage bag is designed in a clean, minimalist style, with straight lines and a structured design. It is usually made from high-quality leather and is available in a variety of colours, from black and brown to red and blue. Unfortunately, counterfeiters are constantly creating replicas of this iconic bag. If you're looking to buy this bag outside of an official shop, here are our tips for distinguishing a genuine designer bag from a counterfeit.

The handle :

First of all, pay particular attention to the handle attachment and the leather used. Céline is renowned for the quality of the materials it uses to make its bags, so leather is no exception.

Céline uses suede calfskin for its bags, which is soft and smooth to the touch. If the leather of the bag you're buying is rough or appears to be of poor quality, chances are it's a counterfeit.

Also look at the handle attachment. On counterfeits, this is much more rounded than on the original from the de Luxe brand, which is much more pointed.

On the left, an authentic handle clip, on the right, a replica handle clip.

Seams :

The seams are always a key element to observe to attest to the authenticity of a branded bag. They are representative of the rigour of the fashion accessory manufacturers.

Seams can indicate the quality of the material. If the seams are badly made or fray easily, this may be a sign that the product is made from poor quality materials.

On counterfeits of this bag, the seams are misaligned and irregular. If you notice any protruding threads, start to doubt the authenticity of your bag.

If you'd like to find out more about luxury designer bags, we suggest you read our article on the Hourglass bag by Balenciaga or the Pliage bag by Longchamp.

Zip closure :

You should also look at the zip on your luxury bag. It tells you a lot about its authenticity.

If the zip is difficult to open or close, or if it frequently jams, this may be a sign that the product is of poor quality. Check the finishing details. Genuine zips often have neat finishing details, such as rounded edges and a smooth finish. If the zip fastener on the product you are buying looks badly finished or if the details are approximate, you are most likely dealing with a counterfeit.

The teeth of the fastener are also not straight on a replica of Céline's Luggage bag.

On the left, a real Céline Luggage bag, on the right, an imitation of this bag.

Registration Céline :

The final point to watch out for is the Céline lettering on the front of the luxury bag. The font used by counterfeit factories is not the same as that used by the luxury brand.

The authentic letters in this inscription are thicker and bolder, unlike a replica where they are thin and small.

Look also at the finishing details of this inscription. Céline inscriptions often have careful finishing details, such as rounded edges and a smooth finish.

Above, the original inscription for the luxury brand.

Secure the purchase of your Lugagge bag by Céline with Obvy :

We advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.

Obvy is a secure payment platform that helps you avoid the scams that are common in transactions between private individuals. When you make a transaction on Obvy, the funds are only credited to your seller when the buyer certifies that the goods purchased are in order. If this is not the case, you are automatically refunded and the item is returned to the seller.

By using Obvy to carry out transactions between private individuals, you can also benefit from payment in several instalments.