Louis Vuitton Noé bag: how can you spot a counterfeit?
Louis Vuitton was initially known for its solid, practical trunks, but over the years it has developed into what it is today. Today, Louis Vuitton is one of the most recognisable brands in the world thanks to its monogram: LV. In 1932, the brand created the Noé bag at the request of a champagne producer. The shape of this bag was designed to carry bottles of champagne without the risk of spilling them. Little by little, it abandoned its original function and found its way onto the arms of the most beautiful women. The Noé is now one of the world's 'it-bags', and continues to enjoy worldwide popularity. Unfortunately, the success of the luxury brand's bag has made it a target for counterfeiters, who are rushing to replicate the iconic bag. However, thanks to our comprehensive guide, you can now spot a fake bag from the luxury brand from the genuine article.
The :
First of all, pay particular attention to the brand inscription on the handle. It tells you a lot about the authenticity of the Louis Vuitton bag.
The first thing to look for is the little "r" circled at the top of the lettering. This little letter indicates that the bag is registered by the brand. This is badly reproduced because it is too thick and too big on a counterfeit. This is not the case on a genuine bag, where the small letter is thinner, airier and smaller.
The inscriptions "LOUIS VUITTON" and "PARIS" are also poorly reproduced by counterfeiters. In fact, on replica bags, these inscriptions are too thick because they are too deeply anchored in the bag's leather.
On authentic bags, the inscriptions are fine and detailed, making them elegant and refined.
On the left, the Louis Vuitton inscription on a real bag, on the left, the inscription on a fake bag.
The buttons :
Now let's look at the buttons all round the bag. Take a closer look at the branding on them.
Some crooks don't even bother to reproduce the brand inscription on these buttons. If this is your case, you can immediately confirm that your luxury product is not genuine.
Even when the inscriptions are present, they are poorly done. In fact, on bags from replica factories, the brand inscription is extremely thin and in a font that is not similar to that used by Louis Vuitton.
On bags from Louis Vuitton couture workshops, the inscription is thicker and more firmly anchored in the metal. Also pay attention to the shine of the buttons. The luxury brand uses very high-quality materials, so the buttons are less shiny.
Left, an authentic Noé bag button, right, buttons from a replica Noé bag
Seams :
Also check the seams of your luxury bag carefully. This is one of the most important points. Counterfeit factories don't pay the same attention to detail as a tailor's shop like Louis Vuitton. Counterfeiters neglect the seams.
On counterfeit bags, the seams are irregular and extremely fine. This is not the case with genuine bags, where the seams are tight, regular and thick. These characteristics enable the bag to stand the test of time.
Curious to find out more about counterfeit Louis Vuitton products? Check out our articles on Louis Vuitton jumpers, Louis Vuitton sunglasses and Louis Vuitton wallets.
Country of manufacture :
The last but not least point to analyse concerns the country of manufacture of the Noé bag. The country of manufacture can change, and not all bags are actually made in France, so you may have a bag made in Italy or Spain.
The lettering on the replica bags is not the right thickness. The lettering on these replica bags is too thin, unlike on the real bags, where the lettering is thicker.
On the left, a genuine Louis Vuitton Noé bag, on the right, a Noé bag from replica factories.
Buy your Louis Vuitton "Noé" bag second hand with Obvy :
If you want to buy your second-hand Louis Vuitton bag on resale platforms such as Leboncoin or Vinted, we advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.
With Obvy as a secure payment method between private individuals, you can avoid scams easily thanks to the escrow system, which keeps the transaction money safe in a safe until the transaction is finalised. Once you've received the parcel, you have 72 hours to confirm the authenticity of your second-hand bag. If necessary, you will be reimbursed without difficulty.