How can you spot a counterfeit Furla metropolis bag?
A contemporary Italian brand, Furla continues to offer pieces that are each more unique than the last. Combining expertise, tradition, a sense of beauty and creativity, the luxury house of Furla has a worldwide reputation. Among its most popular pieces is the 'metropolis' bag. Featuring a long metal chain, this bag can be adapted to any situation: slung over the shoulder during the day, worn over the shoulder at night. Since 2017, it has sold more than 730,000 units worldwide. Unfortunately, this luxury bag has also attracted counterfeiters who have rushed to create replicas of this iconic bag. However, there are a few tricks you can use to tell the difference between a genuine Metropolis bag and a counterfeit.
The dust bag:
First of all, pay attention to the dust bag the metropolis bag comes in. Not all second-hand bags come with a dust bag. If this isn't the case for you, take a close look at this bag. Given Italian know-how, dust bags are high quality and built to last.
The size of the dust bag should be adapted to that of the metropolis bag. The material should also be soft and pleasant to the touch. The brand logo should appear in black capital letters in the centre of the bag, as you can see in the image below.
Leather :
One of the first things you need to know about the Italian brand Furla is that it uses genuine leather. So be sure to check its appearance carefully. Genuine leather is smooth and creamy to the touch.
Replica factories use synthetic leather that looks nothing like real leather. Small dents will appear on the leather of counterfeit bags. Some advertisements even go so far as to say that the luxury brand uses "vegetarian leather". If you see this type of statement, you can be sure that you are looking at a metropolis replica.
Suede interior:
Also check the suede interior of your Furla metropolis bag. Suede is a noble material that makes the bag extremely soft to the touch. It's this softness that will tell you if your bag is a genuine from the Italian luxury brand.
Suede is an expensive fabric, so counterfeiters don't use it. The materials used to replace suede are not as soft. It should feel like butter.
On the left, a genuine Furla metropolis bag, on the right, a counterfeit of this bag.
Inside label :
Pay particular attention to the label on the inside of the bag. The label should read "FURLA" and below that "GENUINE LEATHER". The lettering on the 'FURLA' label is quite thick. The two letters are aligned, with the G perfectly under the F and the R perfectly under the A.
These words are also accompanied by the words "MADE IN ITALY". If you see any other markings, you are most likely dealing with a counterfeit.
Seams :
Don't forget that Italian luxury brand Furla is renowned for its craftsmanship, so everything is perfect and every detail is checked. Take a close look at the seams, which are often overlooked by replica factories. All the seams must be aligned and correct.
If you come across a bag with uneven seams or loose threads, you're most likely looking at a replica.
Secure the purchase of your second-hand metropolis bag with Obvy:
If you wish to buy your Furla bag on resale platforms between private individuals, we advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.
Obvy is a secure payment platform that helps you avoid the scams that are common in transactions between private individuals. When you make a transaction on Obvy, the funds are only credited to your seller when the buyer certifies that the goods purchased are in order. If this is not the case, you are automatically refunded and the item is returned to the seller.
By using Obvy to carry out transactions between private individuals, you can also benefit from payment in several instalments.