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How can you recognise an authentic Hourglass bag by Balenciaga?

A luxury house known for its daring products, Balenciaga never ceases to surprise us with models that are each more unique than the last. Unveiled to the public at the autumn-winter 2019-2020 collection show, the Hourglass bag was designed to be placed on the hip or carried by hand. Many celebrities have succumbed to its charm. Available in a wide range of colours, it has become the trendy accessory of recent years. But the price can still make your head spin. That's why, if you decide to buy it outside an official shop, we're revealing our tips on how to spot a counterfeit. These tips are important, because some crooks are riding the wave of success that this bag has met with by offering replicas.

The curved back :

First of all, pay attention to the bottom of the bag. Its curved shape is what gives this fashion accessory its charm. So it's essential to pay attention to this detail.

The curve of the authentic bag is much greater than on a replica, whose bottom is much flatter. The bottom of the replica bag is also not as sharp as a real bag from the brand, which makes the bag look much softer than it should.

On the left, an authentic Balenciaga bag, on the right, a replica bag.

Leather :

Also check the leather of the bag. Haute couture is renowned for the high-quality leather it uses, so it's very important to check this. Counterfeiters, on the other hand, do not do the same thing for profit and use poor quality leather, making it easy to identify.

Genuine leather is highly detailed and has a glossy surface. Faux leather, on the other hand, is more matt. You can also see this difference in the material of the jumper. Faux leather is either too smooth or too rough.

Low-quality leathers don't stand the test of time either, and end up cracking or splitting fairly quickly.

The logo :

Take a close look at the logo on the front of Balenciaga's Hourglass bag. The luxury house's original 'B' is extremely defined, clean and flawless with a black outline, unlike the replicas of the model. Indeed, the counterfeit logo is darker and grainy. The outline is not perfect either, as in some places the paint has faded.

Also check the mark on the bottom of the large "B". The font is generally poorly reproduced. Replica factories make this wording much thinner and flatter than it should be. The real "Balenciaga" is thicker and sharper.

Left: an authentic Balenciaga bag, right: a replica Balenciaga bag

Hourglass Cove:

Pay particular attention to the handle on the Hourglass bag by Balenciaga. This is an important element to observe, as it is generally poorly replicated by counterfeit factories.

This is because the handle of a counterfeit bag is narrower than that of a real bag and also badly sewn. The genuine handle is thicker and wider. Take a close look at the stitching, which is very often crude and poorly done on counterfeit bags. The seams are uneven in size and the colour is very different from that of the bag. This lack of rigour is symptomatic of replica factories.

The handle buckle is also wider than an authentic Balenciaga handle buckle.

On the left, a Balenciaga buckle, on the right, a counterfeit buckle

Want to find out more about the authenticity of designer bags? Check out these articles: the Ava bag by Céline, the Chiquito bag by Jacquemus and the Saint-Louis bag by Goyard.

Inside the bag :

Also take a look at the inside of your Hourglass bag from Balenciaga. The luxury brand places as much importance on the inside of the bag as the outside. The inside of the Hourglass should be made of leather.

Replica bag interiors are very often made from ordinary, inexpensive soft fabrics. Also check the seams on the inside of the bag. These are overlooked on counterfeits, which pay little attention to them. Balenciaga seams are neat, tight and strong. The seams are extremely important to make the bag last over time.

Secure the purchase of your second-hand Hourglass bag by Balenciaga with Obvy :

If you wish to buy your Hourglass bag by Balenciaga on resale platforms between private individuals, we advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.

Obvy is a secure payment platform that helps you avoid the scams that are common in transactions between private individuals. When you make a transaction on Obvy, the funds are only credited to your seller when the buyer certifies that the goods purchased are in order. If this is not the case, you are automatically refunded and the item is returned to the seller.

By using Obvy to carry out transactions between private individuals, you can also benefit from payment in several instalments.