5 tips for recognising fake Dior tote bags
Timeless and functional, the Dior tote bag is one of the must-have accessories of the famous haute couture house. Its success is due to the fact that it reinvents itself every season. Selling for as little as €2,500 on the luxury brand's official website, many people approach classified ad sites to buy this must-have second-hand from private sellers.
Here are 5 tips for recognising counterfeit Dior tote bags.
1 - Analyse the interior label
Firstly, analyse the inside label of your Dior tote bag to find out whether it is genuine or not. Look at the text on the tag, its thickness, size, print quality and spacing. A genuine Dior bag has no flaws, but if you see one, it is undoubtedly a fake Dior bag.
Above, a real Dior label, below, a fake Christian Dior label
2 - Look for the words "Christian Dior Paris" on the front of your bag.
First of all, a real Dior Book Tote bag is structurally sound, whereas a counterfeit Dior tote bag is of very poor quality. Let's now focus on the lettering on the front, in the middle of your luxury bag. The text on a fake Dior bag is often printed too thickly compared to the real thing, so there is some unevenness between each of the letters on a fake Dior bag. Make sure the logo is identical to what you can see on the luxury brand's official website logo.
On the left, a real Dior Book Tote bag, on the right a fake Dior Book Tote bag.
3 - Inspect the oblique Dior motifs
Let's move on to the motifs on your luxury tote bag. The Dior oblique motif is the trademark of the famous haute couture house, and can be found on many Dior products. Get as close as possible to these motifs and make sure that each letter is perfectly legible. If this is not the case, you are dealing with a replica Dior bag. Indeed, on a real Dior bag, even if the letters overlap, they remain perfectly legible.
Left: real Dior motifs, right: fake Dior motifs
4 - Check the handle on your Dior bag
Check the handle on your second-hand Dior tote bag. On many counterfeit Dior Book tote bags, the handle is too short and seems too thick. Authentic Dior Book tote bags, on the other hand, have long, thin handles.
On the left, a real Dior bag handle, on the right, a fake Dior bag handle.
5 - Look inside your Dior tote bag
Finally, take a look at the inside of your second-hand Dior Book tote bag. First of all, a real tote bag has no fastenings or inside pockets. On the inside, you should be able to see the seams of the inscription "Christian Dior Paris" on the outside front of your bag. There's also a small label stating the brand of your luxury tote bag. Finally, look at the colours and print quality of the Dior oblique motif.
On the left, a genuine second-hand Dior Book Tote bag, on the right a counterfeit Dior Book Tote bag.
Buy your second-hand Dior Book Tote bag safely with Obvy
If you want to buy the famous Dior tote bag second-hand from private sellers on classified ad sites such as Vinted or Leboncoin, we advise you to use Obvy to secure your transaction.
With Obvy, if you realise that you have purchased a counterfeit Dior Book Tote bag, following our authenticity guide, you can easily return the item to your seller and be reimbursed immediately. This is made possible in particular by our funds blocking system.
For all fans of the luxury brand Dior, we've also put together an article to help you spot counterfeit Dior Saddle bags.