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The media for online payments and transactions

How do payment links enhance the user experience?

Technology has made many aspects of our daily lives easier, right down to managing our finances. Over the years, new technologies have transformed the way we consume, invest our money, and make payments online or at a physical location. This change in consumption patterns has not only boosted mentalities, but has also had a significant impact on consumer behavior, creating new expectations. Payment links are part of this new trend, and not just for the new generation.


Why is user experience important?

It's nothing new: the user experience is decisive in leaving a good impression on a visitor, with the aim of getting them to return to make a purchase, whether in a physical store, online, or by hand. It plays a key role in a user's conversion rate. User experience is based on customer satisfaction, thanks to a successful shopping experience at the point of sale. The aim is to reduce all possible friction, so that online visitors and potential in-store customers don't abandon their purchases along the way. This experience fosters customer loyalty, increases trust in the company and encourages product or service recommendation.

Not to rely on a good customer experience is to "shoot yourself in the foot", as there are many simple and readily available ways to facilitate a user's journey.


Key points for improving customer experience

Improving the customer experience of your business can be done both online and in person (including physical stores). The elements to be taken into account can be similar on certain points.


  • Easy-to-read and easy-to-use navigation: by offering simplified ergonomics and fluid navigation, users want to find the information or product they're looking for in just a few clicks. The site must be clear and provide information quickly.

  • Design and ergonomics: a properly designed and updated website, with a carefully thought-out design and ergonomics, inspires greater confidence in users, unlike a site that is unkempt and lacking in professionalism.

  • Flexible payment methods: payment methods have evolved to enable consumers to buy products and services more easily and quickly. One of the most recent methods to emerge is payment in instalments. Adapting to your customers' needs shows that you care.


Physical :

  • Warm welcome: the relationship between a professional and a customer is essential. Customers need to feel that they're being supported. Establishing a positive relationship will help to satisfy customers and build loyalty.

  • Personalization: just because sales are direct doesn't mean they can't be personalized. Offer your customers a variety of innovative payment methods. Whether it's a direct sale, payment links are totally adapted to the sale of a product or the provision of a service.

  • Security: guarantee the security of every transaction with our different payment types. There are 3 types of payment available, adapted to specific needs:
    • Immediate payment: funds are transferred immediately.
    • Escrow payment: funds are held in a digital safe until the transaction is finalized.
    • Recurring payment: payments are automated to ensure regularity (weekly, monthly or annually).


How do payment links help improve the customer experience?

Payment links are generated by a specific interface, such as the Obvy payment link tool. No need to have a merchant website or mobile application, payment links can be used without any complexity to support a business by offering payment methods adapted to consumers.

  • Quick and easy to use: on the seller's side, the link is created in just a few clicks and sent to a customer. All the buyer has to do is click on the link to access a range of adapted payment methods, such as payment in instalments or deferred payment.

  • Customizable: to enhance your credibility with customers, payment links can be customized to your image. In addition to offering payment options that reflect your image, payment methods and types can be adapted to suit your needs.

  • Flexible: would you like to offer immediate payment only? You can! Would you like to offer recurring payments as well as fractional payments? That's possible too! You can offer your customers a multitude of options. Want to make sure your customer has the funds? Offer payment with escrow

  • Accessibility: the seller can share his payment links through different channels such as SMS, e-mail, quotation, invoice, WhatsApp, social networks (...) in just a few clicks. This accessibility allows the buyer to proceed quickly to payment.

  • Cost reduction: payment links can reduce the costs associated with POS terminals, by adding complementary organizations to offer payment in installments and instalments, for example. Links bring together traditional payment methods and the latest trends in one place.

Obvy payment links enhance the user experience

Obvy payment links are adapted to all types of activities and needs that companies, freelancers, institutes, artisans, the automotive sector (...) may have. 

A payment link is a secure link generated via your Obvy interface. It enables you to cash in your sales, either by direct payment, by payment with blocked funds, or by recurring payment to collect subscriptions.

Obvy payment links can be used by any professional or business that wants to collect payments easily.

Offering secure Obvy payment links that are fully customizable and ready to use guarantees all payments, while creating a relationship of trust between buyer and seller.