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Delivery: Bringing Down Borders in Transactions Between Individuals

In the purchasing process, delivery must be impeccable. Consumers demand fast and secure receipt of their package. Delivery is one of the triggers for consumers to make a purchase. Transport companies have therefore had to adapt their services to the different expectations of the latter.

81% of consumers consider delivery a hassle to finalize payment for their order.

72% of French e-buyers who abandon their shopping cart find that delivery costs are too high.

Consumer fears about delivery

Consumers may have different fears when it comes to the delivery of their online purchases. Here are the most common fears:

  • Fees too high

The feeling of having a basket that is “too expensive” once shipping costs are added can push a consumer to abandon their basket.

  • Delivery times too long

Customers do not want to wait 1-2 weeks to receive an order. When the wait is too long, they abandon their purchase and may become frustrated with their experience.

  • Lack of choice

For example, some customers prefer parcel delivery rather than home delivery, and vice versa. Without these alternative options, shopping cart abandonment is more common. Customers want flexibility and choice when purchasing.

  • More responsible delivery

Consumers are sensitive to environmental issues. It wants to reduce their carbon footprint and their impact on the environment in their daily consumption choices, including for deliveries and orders. More sustainable and eco-responsible deliveries address these concerns.

64% of French e-shoppers expect online stores to offer a CO2-neutral delivery method in 2023

  • Bad past experience

If customers have already experienced delivery problems (damaged, delayed, lost products, etc.) in the past with an e-commerce site or marketplace, they are more inclined to abandon their basket this time, out of apprehension.

Delivery, a key point for the purchasing experience

Marketplaces and e-commerce sites have every interest in taking into account consumers' fears in order to limit shopping cart abandonment linked to logistics and delivery of orders.

Delivery facilitates transactions between individuals by offering a practical and reliable solution for the delivery of products. It allows sellers to offer their items to a wider audience, regardless of their geographic location. Additionally, buyers can access a variety of products from different regions or countries.

When borders are abolished in transactions between individuals, it opens up new business opportunities. Sellers can expand their market and reach potential customers around the world, which can contribute to increased sales and revenue. Shoppers, on the other hand, can benefit from a greater selection of products and find unique items that are not readily available in their area.

Obvy, an all-in-one transactional solution

Obvy API concentrates all services to manage all types of transactions end-to-end and effortlessly.

By natively integrating payment, delivery, and dozens of other features, Obvy API allows you to equip yourself with everything you need through a single solution.