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Is a Payment Link Secure?

In an era where fraudulent payment interfaces are on the rise and online payments are only increasing, payment security is a major concern for businesses and their customers. Payment links are enjoying resounding success, but is it really secure? Answers in this article.

Payment links prove their worth when it comes to security

Payment links are links created with no technical skills required. These links are configured simply, without code, and are then sent by the professional or company to their client via any distribution channel, whether it is an email, an SMS or it is integrated into a document.

This payment method is very popular, in particular thanks to its efficiency, its ease of implementation, and the fast payment times that payment links allow.

Payment link services are offered by companies specializing in payment, such as Obvy, and therefore rely on very advanced security services in order to offer a perfectly controlled trusted experience.

These integrated security measures allow a drastic reduction in the risk of fraud, high confidentiality of data, whether personal or banking, but also the assurance of compliance with regulations in force in the payment sector, as well as to security standards like PCI DSS.

Payment links are a URL, and therefore linked to an internet address. The payment links are secured by the HTTPS protocol, which ensures that the data shared on the payment page available through the payment link is secure and encrypted.

Some payment links also require authentication to access the payment page. This authentication can be done through an SMS code or an email code. Access to a payment page may also be conditional on the fulfillment of certain conditions, such as identity verification or the communication of prior information which aims to identify the person wishing to access it.

Finally, payment links may have a limited lifespan, either by choice or by obligation. This validity limit is also a way to avoid the diversion of payment links or repeated payment errors.

Security is a growth factor for businesses

Security is an element that professionals can capitalize on in order to serve their growth objectives.

Indeed, security is a tool for reassurance and customer loyalty, and highlighting your security features can only have a beneficial effect on sales.

Capitalizing on security will be essential to convert customers whose carts have been abandoned, get them to sign up for promotional offers, or even get them to consume additional services.

Commercial arguments based on highlighting the security of transactions make it possible to increase revenues while maintaining existing revenues, but also to enjoy a reputation and credibility necessary to progress in a market.

A secure tool to help businesses sell more and better

The payment links are secure, and allow professionals to optimize their income by taking care of different cases which may require one-off or recurring payments.

A payment link generation service is a tool that stands on its own or complements an organization's payment infrastructure. The links are customizable, secure, and allow continuity in the relationship with customers throughout its “life time value”.

Obvy payment links: secure and universal links

Obvy payment links are suitable for all types of activities and needs that businesses may have. With several hundred thousand individuals initiating transactions on Obvy's solutions and several hundred professionals using Obvy for their payments, it is a powerful security system that supports the entire ecosystem of data services. 'Obvy.

With Obvy, organizations ensure they can access and offer services designed to optimize payment rates within a secure environment designed to ensure optimal customer satisfaction.