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Payment Links Serving the Automotive Sector

The automotive sector as a whole is seizing all the opportunities that online payment can bring. From garages and dealerships to online vehicle sales platforms and vehicle hire companies, online payment makes transactions easier, more secure and more profitable for all these professionals.

Payment links are excellent tools for implementing fluid and efficient payment logics, making it possible to simplify the financial processes of automotive industry players at lower cost, while offering their customers cutting-edge payment experiences that encourage conversion.

Why do we talk about a payment link?

A payment link is an online transaction method that facilitates the payment process between a seller (selling a product or service) and a buyer. What is the origin of this term? With the expansion of e-commerce, numerous payment solutions have been deployed with the aim of developing online sales. Today, a new approach has emerged: generating a unique link via a payment platform, sent by SMS or e-mail, which redirects the buyer to a payment page. Simple and effective, the URL enables the sale to be finalised between the two parties in just a few clicks.

To find out more, we've written a full article to help you understand everything there is to know about payment links.

Unpaid bills: a common problem for professionals

Many professionals, regardless of their size, are faced with the problem of unpaid invoices.

As we all know, you sometimes have to chase up invoices from a service provider or buyer in order to get paid. It's a waste of time that can lead to even bigger problems when they accumulate.

In 2022, around 30% of businesses in France had unpaid invoices, weakening their cash flow.

What are the most common reasons for unpaid invoices?

  • Missed payment deadlines : a service provider or simple buyer may have many things on their mind, your invoice is not a priority, it has been forgotten, etc. Payment deadlines can be too long and can subsequently lead to unpaid invoices.
  • Financial difficulties: professionals or sellers may sometimes extend a payment period because they are having difficulty paying their invoices. However, a transaction is a transaction, not the seller's or service provider's problem.
  • Commercial disputes : refusal to pay following a disagreement over the quality of a product, a service rendered or the terms of a contract between the seller and the buyer.
  • Payment deadlines not respected : a service provider or simple buyer may have many things on their mind, your invoice is not a priority, it has been forgotten, etc.
  • Absence or inadequacy of guarantees : the seller has not ensured that the buyer has the necessary funds to settle the invoice.
  • Administrative errors : when providing a service, it is possible that the invoice amount is incorrect. The buyer does not wish to pay the invoice and is waiting for it to be rectified.

There are many cases of non-payment in different business sectors. They do not depend on the activity, but on the type of payment offered to customers. This type of incident, although frequent, can be reduced thanks to payment links.

How do payment links help to reduce non-payment?

Unpaid invoices are enemy number 1 for professionals. Today, payment links can help sellers and service providers to guarantee all their payments.

  • Easy to use : using a payment link is simple. All the buyer has to do is click on the link they receive, choose the payment method that suits their situation (payment in instalments, recurring payment, deferred payment) and pay in just a few seconds. There's no need to wait for the customer to visit a website or send a cheque.

  • Automated reminders : when a payment is not made, you can set up automated reminders to remind your customer. The customer receives a reminder to proceed directly to payment.

  • High security : the payment link is secure. This reassures users that they can proceed to payment.

  • Flexibility : offering customers flexibility increases revenue. Users are more likely to pay immediately when they are offered different payment methods.

Tips for reducing overdue payments thanks to payment links

As mentioned throughout this article, payment links can be used to reduce overdue payments. There are a number of tips to help you do this:

  • Personalising your payment links : your payment page should reflect the image of your company. It should reflect the brand's visual identity in order to boost customer confidence. Buyers will be more inclined to complete a transaction when they are reassured at the point of payment.

  • Flexible payment options : improve your customers' shopping experience by offering flexible payment options. For example, paying in instalments can increase consumers' purchasing power by a factor of 4. Thanks to this payment method, they can extend their purchases on the platform and therefore increase their shopping basket. Read our article on the advantages of paying in instalments.

  • Transparency : make sure that all payment details (amount, reason, etc.) are clearly indicated.

Say goodbye to overdue payments with Obvy payment links

Obvy's payment links offer a variety of payment methods, including credit card paymentsbank transfersimmediate paymentsescrow payments and recurring payments. They can also be used to collect advance payments, and to create a relationship of trust with their customers through final payment once the service has been completed.

Offering fully customisable and ready-to-use secure payment links guarantees all payments while creating a relationship of trust between buyer and seller.

We invite you to discover all the features we offer businesses (marketplaces, e-commerce, craftsmen, breeders, freelancers, garage owners, etc.), enabling you to increase your income simplyquickly and cost-effectively.