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The media for online payments and transactions

What Is a Payment Link?

Using the internet to sell, regardless of your activity, has become essential for any professional wishing to increase their sales and find new customers. Among the solutions that allow you to optimize your commercial activity, the payment link has become over time an essential tool for any professional wishing to simplify their life.

In this article, we will explain to you why the payment link is an essential tool for ensuring your payments, creating new sources of income, and avoiding unpaid debts.


The payment link: What is it?


The payment link has established itself as a solution of choice for all professionals in all sectors. Easy to set up, adapted to multiple scenarios and reassuring for the customer, the payment link makes it possible to set up an activity in its entirety or to supplement existing payment systems in order to draw out its full potential.


A payment link is a link, in the form of a URL, that can be generated via a payment platform. This link, communicated to the customer, will allow them in a few clicks to pay an invoice or pay for the purchase of a good or service directly online, on their computer or phone.


Payment links avoid all the complexities associated with IT development. Here, there is no need to integrate a complex payment system into a website, or even own one! The professional will simply generate a link and send it to his client, who will be redirected to a specially dedicated payment page.


When to use a payment link?


There are many use cases that justify the use of a payment link, here are a few examples:

  • Distance selling : for merchants who do not have a website or e-commerce site, the payment link is a simple solution for accepting online payments. The merchant simply needs to create his link from his interface and then share it with his customer, by SMS, email, social networks, or directly in a document.
  • Billing : Service providers can send invoices with an integrated payment link, making it easier for their customers to pay quickly. The payment links are universal, and will therefore be able to adapt to all types of transactions and invoicing. Tools like the Obvy payment link solution make it possible to adapt to all types of cases that require payment for a service provided
  • Reservations : reservations are commonplace in many sectors, whether in the hotel and catering sector, sporting or cultural activities, or even in the context of the purchase of certain goods or services. professionals in crafts or construction. Payment links are ideal for confirming a booking through paying a deposit or securing the full purchase amount.
  • Recurring payments : subscriptions, which involve the automatic payment of a customer on a recurring basis (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.) are often complicated to set up and configure. A recurring payment link allows you to set up direct debits from your customer's bank card quickly and easily. Easier access to subscription sales can allow many professionals to develop new activities and sources of income.
  • Payment facilities : payment links allow a professional to easily provide their customers with numerous payment methods, such as credit card or bank transfer. Less traditional, payments in several installments by bank card or deferred payments by bank card are also available via payment link creation tools. Professionals who use payment links can therefore allow their clients to access financing solutions adapted to their needs, and therefore increase the average basket of their clients and multiply the number of potential clients.
  • Fundraising or contributions : organizations such as associations can collect donations from individuals or businesses, and collect contributions from their members. With payment links, these organizations can simply integrate payment links into their membership forms or information emails which will greatly simplify transactions.
  • Event registration and ticketing : planning events requires knowing in advance who will be there on the day. With payment links, event organizers, whether cultural events (concerts, exhibitions, shows, etc.) or seminars, workshops or student events, can easily collect or secure funds linked to the sale of tickets without any technical complexities.
  • Flash sale or promotional operations : a company launching an event sale can do so via several channels (on a site, on a video stream, on social networks, etc.). Payment links can be created on the fly and sent to buyers quickly, via any communication channel.
  • After-sales service and customer support : equipping your customer service team with a payment link tool allows you to optimize the management of requests. Indeed, the support team will have the capacity to make commercial gestures, collect overdue invoices, or even follow up on purchases that have been abandoned or require modifications. Payment links will provide customers with an optimal support experience, and thus generate more trust and satisfaction.
  • Online courses and training : teachers, whether they offer school courses or training (academic support, group lessons, exam preparation, etc.) or courses and training linked, for example, to artistic activities (music lessons, singing, painting lessons, etc.) can easily manage their reservations and schedules by sending payment links in advance in order to ensure payment for their services.


Payment links offer many advantages


  • Simplicity : the professional only needs to enter the information necessary to create the link to generate it, without the need for technical skills. To share it, a simple copy and paste allows you to send the link, through any channel.
  • Practicality : payment links provide professionals with a complete and simplified service. They also make it possible to avoid the numerous reminders linked to a payment request or unpaid debt, as the customer is directly directed to a clear payment page, going to the essentials.
  • Flexibility : a natural extension of the notion of simplicity, the flexibility of payment links allows them to be shared via an SMS, an email, or via any messaging system (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, Viber, etc.) of a document (invoice, quote, purchase order, etc.), but also through a publication on social networks (Instagram, X (Twitter), Snapchat, TikTok, etc.).
  • Low cost : commissions and subscription fees for access to payment link services are accessible and make it possible to significantly increase turnover. Subscribing to a payment link service is therefore very often profitable.
  • Security : links, particularly those offered by Obvy, are protected by cutting-edge security protocols, ensuring the protection of customer data, whether banking or personal. Payment platforms invest massively in security, and using a payment link allows you to benefit from the security infrastructures of the company that publishes the service.


Obvy payment links are the most complete and adapt to all business needs


Also well suited to independents, VSEs, SMEs, startups or large groups, Obvy payment links allow an extremely high level of customization, and offer numerous payment methods (card, transfer, payment in several installments or deferred), but also various payment methods (immediate, with escrow of funds, subscriptions, etc.), configured in a few clicks.


Thus, all of the payment needs of businesses are ensured, and will make it possible to drastically increase successful payments and support sales growth.